So this next one is something I did a couple of months ago but I decided to talk about it tonight a little.
“bursting for no one” Hmm, well thats an easy one. Maybe its because my mind never seams to stop racing from one thought to the next, but I’ve never felt anyone could reciprocate how I felt about them? It can feel rather grim or dooming at times but that being said, there are to many minds to pick and hearts to burst for to waste your time on a waste of time.
Keep your smile on =)
Kevin Crows
I really enjoy this piece. Beautiful work. So talented, Kevin!
=) Thank you
Do u sell your pieces?
is the left painting the mirror image of the right one albeit a bit different?
yeah kinda, just blank =).
I love this piece, Kevin. You are very creative and talented. Your art is visceral and powerful. Keep up the great work! =)
Thank you, I’m starting to come into some sort of style so I’m always surprising myself still =), but thanks.
You really saved my skin with this infroamtoin. Thanks!