I cant really believe I even have to blog about this? Why the fuck… Excuse me, let me start over… WHY THE FUCK IS IT EVEN AN OPTION FOR A PORN SITE TO USE A PERFORMER WHO WONT TEST? I don’t give a shit who I’m offending, I don’t give a shit if its “with a condom” or not! Really! I have to be the one to say, “No” and pass up work? Am I the only model who is thinking this? I cant be.
Lets stop and unwind for a minute, the whole “straight industry” tests… Oh now I’m “gay hating right?” Get real ladies and gentleman, I would never work with a female without getting tested, no one should! Its 2011, we are having sex of all sorts, theres no question to wether or not you should be tested at a MINIMUM once a month. I’m sure some fans (maybe performs too) just spit out their coffee but come on, its very irresponsible to put another models sexual health or even their life at the risk for a couple of bucks. It’s why I refused to work with some companies, and why I so happily signed with NextDoor Studios. Hate them all they want, no other company I have ever worked for looks out for their models safety like NextDoor Studios, regardless if you’re an exclusive or if it’s your first scene. Nothing further.
Now, all the companies out there I now will never get work with lol =), whats the deal? I don’t care if you’re a gay company and I’m still claiming to be straight =). Shame on you I have to be the one to turn down a scene just for looking out for my own health. I’ll start posting my AIM results online when my agent calms down from this one trust me. It has nothing to do with privacy. It has nothing to do with being gay or straight. It has everything to do with a performers health and safety. If HIV positive models still want to work, good on them they should. There is nothing wrong with that obviously, as long as everyone knows before hand. I’m not special, I accept the risk that comes with doing porn. I hope every model out there reading this has or is now. I really do hope i’m ruffling up some feathers and making some mother fuckers mad because SHAME ON YOU COMPANIES AND MODELS!
Kevin Crows
your nothing but a homophobic slut. you only that your straight because it’s your only way to feel some kind of “superior” to others… shame on you and sorry, if you “love” to give your opinion you also should accept other people’s opinion.
well sexual orientation definition, i guess, means for who you can fall in love with, it’s not just about the sex . Here in Leon (France) it’s pretty normal boys kissing each other on the mouth, but europeans and americans are very different lol… so… kevin i think your totally right when you say that models should be concerned about their health, i work as an escort so i’m always worried about that hiv thing…
Like french people say: Peace, Love, Sex and more sex….
WOW!! Tell’em <3
and condoms?
Author how to contact you?
Good for you, Kevin! Go get ‘em!! xo
wow the fantastic and unique open-minded Europe
but there’s a HUGE diference between americans and europeans lol …
So kevin i really love you but i think this time you were a little “severe” lol, but like i said i really love you and all the 30′ year old men in this world!
I think it’s a shame when an important discussion such as this has to be reduced to vicious name calling. Now I know that Kevin won’t back down from anyone who wants to take him on, but just for a change it would be cool to have a discussion on the internet without ill thought out opinions being aired, and vitriol being spewed.
Come on… really? Do you honestly think that any models should be exposed to the risk of HIV and other STDs simply because they do porn? If you actually read what Kevin said, he is calling for ALL porn studios whether they be straight OR gay, whether they use condoms or not, to be testing all of their models, all of the time. Surely that is just a basic occupational health and safety issue in this particular industry? As a consumer of porn, i always assumed that testing was a mandatory, and i was astounded to find out that some studios and models don’t do it.
Maybe i’m missing something here Levi, but how on earth calling for the testing of all male and female models in both the straight and gay fields makes Kevin a “homophobic slut”, is something that i don’t quite understand, and quite frankly it doesn’t really add anything of value to the discussion.
As Bruno quite rightly pointed out, sexual orientation comes down to who you are naturally programmed to fall in love with. A straight man can no more control that than a gay man can, and neither man (or woman) should be condemned for their natural inclinations. From what i know of Kevin, he is one of the most relaxed, accepting and non-judgemental people in the business. Yes, he chooses not to bottom, but aside from that, there is little that he hasn’t or won’t do with either men or women for OUR viewing pleasure, and he certainly doesn’t judge US for consuming his product. But i’ve yet to get my head around the fact that some people are apparently quite happy to watch the porn that Kevin & other models produce, yet feel the need to condemn them for making it. Somehow i think that says more about the viewer, than it does about the performer.
isabela, you said in your twitter that kevin is not homophobic because he kiss and suck men… well let me explain to you something, homophobia is not just callin’ “fag” or other terrible name’s to gays,,, don’t you know that a good part of homophobia come’s from many gays and lesbians simple for the fact that they can’t accept themselve’s? or don’t have the courage to do so… this is also real homophobia (and the worst in my opinion)… and i don’t hate kevin i simply don’t understand why is it so wrong to be gay or to be bissexual? in many european countrie’s, like Holand, Sweden, Norway, France, Spain… bissexuality is so natural in all those countrie’s… but like Bruno said… americans and europeans are really diferent… and i’m really happy that some young men, like Marko Lebeau, who’s only 20 years old (10 years less than kevin) as no shame of it… but he’s from another great liberal country lol.
When i did that coment i was really upset with kevin for what he wrote so i didn’t mean to offend him, but some of the things he says really offend not only me but many people… i wish him all the best. Peace
wow come on guys…
i really love you kevin! you may not be “so beautiful or genuinely gay” as stars like Spencer Reed, Roman Heart, Travis James or Riley Price but you are really hot and sexy, and we should all love one another no matter what!
Levi, i agree with you in some points of your last comments, but unfortunately or not we don’t live in France, Sweden or Canada
Peace and Love
it really hurts to see someone enjoyn’ the freedom to be with another man (something i don’t enjoy) and say “oh, i’m straight, bla bla bla”.
that is something wrong with being gay?
Hey Levi, i understand what you’re saying and maybe Kevin should describe himself as being bisexual rather than straight, given that he does indeed have sex with both men and women (on camera at least) – but surely they’re only labels anyway. In 2011, does it really matter who has sex with who?
The problem with twitter is that with only 140 characters to give an opinion, sometimes it’s not entirely clear. My remark was probably a little flippant and for that i apologise. But i stick to my guns that whether he be gay, straight, bisexual, pansexual, omnisexual or polisexual, he is NOT homophobic. The reality is that HIV and other STDs exist and are carried by BOTH men & women. Kevin calling for porn models to be regularly tested is not a slur against gay men, it is surely just a sensible thing to do.
Levi, there’s certainly nothing at all wrong with being gay or bisexual and whatever your sexual orientation, you should be proud of who you are. But by the same token, straight people can’t help being straight and i believe that Kevin describes himself that way because he is at the core, attracted to women. I honestly don’t believe he gives much credence to other people’s opinions of him, and so i think that if he were truly bisexual or gay that he would be the first to describe himself that way. He’s not one to feel the need to conform. Saying that he’s straight in the face of critiscm from the men who are consumers of his work, is actually the hard road to take.
Being able to have a healthy discussion about these issues is what’s important in this day and age. But wouldn’t it be cool if we just gave up the need to label one another in this way and just all lived in harmony & acceptance of each other =)
Samuel O’toole that works too nextdoorstudios said:
“Now, I’m not really down with the whole gay for pay thing either. I think it’s retarded that some guys do it, more because I know they’re pretty much lying to themselves. Yeah, you suck dick and get fucked in the ass, you’re totally straight. “I do it for the money”. A mechanic works on a car for the money, he doesn’t have to enjoy it, it still makes him a mechanic. If you do porn steady, and say you’re gay for pay, you’re at least a little bit bi, if not a closet case. Don’t mean to kick some of my homies in the balls there, but it’s how I see it. Not trying to force you guys into a box or change the way you think! Just my POV.
I’d have to say my favorite is the guys that won’t kiss or suck because “that’s gay”. Ummmmm, you either have another mans cock in your ass, or your cock is in another mans ass. I think you already crossed the “that’s gay” line.”
I agree with Sammy
The worst douchebag gay for pay of this studio is Cody Cummings because not suck, not kiss not fuck just is sucked and have nausea of gay men, he explore gay community by money
Trystan Bull is almost other g4p douchebag but at least fuck guys
James Huntsman is following the same way is sad
Resume: HYPOCRITES!!!!
Isabela, after reading what you said i tried to understand (a little bit) kevin… but kevin is using homophobic words in his twitter and there’s no possible defense for that… now i can say with big words that I DON’T REGRET CALLING YOU A HOMOPHOBIC SLUT ‘CAUSE THAT’S WHAT YOU ARE, AND BEFORE USING THAT KIND OF LANGUAGE LOOK AT YOURSELF IN A MIRROR.
Thank you Isabela and Bruno, for your brilliant points of view, and of corse now he’s thinkin i’m the greatest fag on earth lol, but you know kevin, i live openly and i’m proud of being who i am
it’s really sad that homophobia now is a part of the gay porn industry
why so much hate? is it so wrong to be gay that some people think they must be called these awful name’s? even if you call a straight person “fag”, perez hilton was condemed by GLAAD for calling “fag” to Will.I.Am, he apologized then.
At least we have great heroes like Mike Manning or Davis Mallory, who came out as gay on national television after so many time in the closet.
Hey Levi, we’ve gone full circle on this one haven’t we!! I’m not here to defend Kevin, he’s certainly big enough and definitely ugly enough to fight his own battles. But i do think he was only joking to a friend of his. I’ve seen Austin & Anthony call each other fags often enough on twitter, & maybe thats ok if u actually are gay, but sometimes people just need to get a sense of humour. Jeez, i told my husband he was a fucking cunt this morning when he suggested that maybe being hungover was my own fault, and i meant no offense to vaginas!!! Anyhow, i will agree that Kev is indeed a slut (a slutty man whore in fact!!), but i still don’t think he’s homophobic, lol!!! I mean if we can’t laugh at ourselves, then what’s the point of it all =)
Just show some support here for Kevin=) and Isabella
What studios aren’t testing their performers? That does seem irresponsible. I guess they could be trying to save money but thats no excuse.