I promised I would talk a little on what I eat and don’t eat, well here it is.
To be honest its simple and we all know how to eat or “what to eat?” I laugh in my head when I hear people talking about how they “had an apple today” in a way as if they are bragging? We all have it, that little alarm inside that goes off when you reach for a bag a chips, or you find yourself explaining how its “fat free” or “only 100 calories,” but it’s a box of cookies your defending? Thats really the root of the problem to be honest, most of the food our American society eats is out of a box of some kind. These foods are loaded with artificial colorings, artificial flavorings, preservatives and things cant even pronouns.
Start over, go down the baby food isle and read the labels, carrots, peas, bananas, apples… you get the picture. Raw fruits and vegetables, nuts(almonds are my favorite =), lean meats for protein(chicken, tuna, salmon are my choices). Nothing against lean cuts of red meat, I only eat red meat about once a week if that. I prefer my carbohydrates to come from oats and rice (preferably brown or wild), breads are ok if you’re reading the back and watching the sugar and other list of crazy things that start to get thrown in. Plain and simple, keep it simple. Some of you have heard the expression “keep it simple stupid.”
All that being said you shouldn’t go empty out your fridge tonight thinking you’re changing your ways over night lol, start with one thing. I suggest the first thing to go is sugar, that means the soda, cookies, cakes, and candy (why are adults eating candy anyway). That being said moderation is the key here, a cookie now and then to keep you from going crazy is a good idea. Your fats should be coming from nuts, some fish and then a mix from the rest of diet. If you tolerate dairy, Greek yogurt is great way to get some extra protein and fat in you diet. Back to the point though, start with sugar and then cut out nearly all sauces until you’ve educated yourself enough to know whats in it but don’t cut so much out all out once you feel miserable, moderation.
Putting it all together you need to know your activity level and if thats zero then get up and start doing something even if its only a walk around the block, better yet start having regular sex =). I usually start my day with a shake made with oats, bananas, frozen blueberries, frozen strawberries, yogurt, water and a scoop of protein powder because I can play with the fat/carb/protein ratio as I please by adding a little more or less of this or that.
Anyway I can post more if anyone has any questions, nutrition is a big part of my life without being a very big part of my life =)
Give up my diet soda too? Its always hard in the beginning starting something new. But man I luv soda. When you’re so used to eating certain things, its hard to break that habit. I’m in the middle of a weight loss, its a battle I’ve had me entire life. I’ve lost weight before, but it keeps creeping back. Like they say its easy to lose the weight, but KEEPING it off is hard. I think the statistic is 90% of people gain the weight back within 5 years. What helps me is preparing my food in advance so that I don’t get tempted to get fast food. I never tried shakes, and I don’t particularly like fish but if it does your body good…I will now. Keeps the tips comin’ Kevin.
No worries I love this stuff =). If you’re having trouble keeping weight off it probably is from your diet, most sources will say this is 80-90% of what you look like. The other 10-20% is from your activity and of course genetics. So if you’re eating anything other than fresh fruit and veggies, rice, oats and a barely dead animal or two then you need to start there. Look up your calorie requirements for your age and activity level on google to know what your number is. Mine is between 3200-3400 calories a day, but thats because Im doing the opposite as you right now, gain a little weight. Then I do the opposite in the gym as you would also, lift heavy weight with only 3-5 repetitions and hardly any cardiovascular training. So if your number was 2000 calories per day, you should only eat 17-1800 calories per day and lift a moderate weight for you with 12-14 repetitions and plenty of cardio. All this said I don’t have a clue what your body can handle and if you’re not sure ask a doctor before you do anything =). Better yet a nutritionist because family practice doc actually don’t receive that much training on nutrition.
Keep asking away though, I’ll share what I know and point you in the right way if I don’t.
gr8 tips but i think that genetics plays a BIG role in how things turn out, esp. if you hope/wish that you get on track and can be transformed, for me i am up and down and have just given up at the moment it’s very frustating, i was dedicated, hitting the gym 5-6 days a week, eating right, taking vitamins/supplements, etc, but couldn’t bust through a stubborn plateau, but i believe that given my genetics and sluggish metabolism, it just wasnt’ going to happen and then again maybe i was just trying to reach a goal that was just unreal for my height (6’4″). It gets harder and harder each time out
Thank you so much for this arictle, it saved me time!
hi, I think your body is amazing and would love to follow your advice about better eating. My downfall is night eating (the dreaded pizza/cookies/cake, etc. gorging). It’s so hard to break the cycle of bad eating habits.
The best advices always work best when they come with the proof of success and ultimately you’re a good example. One important thing you mentioned and I like is moderation. I think that for most people who don’t have to maintain A bodyfat of below 10%, some fun, spontaneous cheating with something tasty and a bit fatty once in a while can help. After all, some sweet sins make our lives much more enjoyable, but of course – just once in a while. Overall, visiting the states always strikes me as to the level of obesity in the streets, and if some followed even half of your tips, things would look so much better.
Keep up the amazing site. The mix of porn and art, I have to admit, is intruiging.
That’s really great info Kevin. Showed it to my fella – he was good with the regular sex part (as if he’s not already gettin enough of that – honestly, some men are never happy!!!) But seriously, it’s all about lifestyle change. It obviously works for you (and some!), but only because it’s your lifestyle. It’s no use doing this kind of thing for a couple of months and then going back to all your bad old habits. Consistency!!
Loved the sound of your breakfast shake – i’m definitely going to try that. I have my protein shake straight up and it’s not always that appealing. All the foods you’ve mentioned are absolutely beautiful, so it can’t be a hardship living on salmon & blueberries & greek yoghurt (yum!). No wonder you look like superman when you live on nature’s superfoods!! But i do need to have some chocolate from time to time =)
One question though – how do you feel about caffeine? I don’t drink giant starbucks coffees, but i do live on those tiny italian espressos. All the caffeine without the bulk! But i do hear varying opinions – some say it’s great for your metabolism, others say it’s a poison. Other than that, i only drink water, so do you think it’s really that bad??? I’d probably have 6 a day. I’m very energetic, lol =)
I really love you, Kevin. You are the most beautiful man in the world. I could literally look at you all day long every day. You are in my fantasies all the time. You are amazing. Thank you for bringing me such joy.
Much Love
Love your input regarding your personal diet. You can talk away more as you like. I’m really trying to shed weight but i’m so unmotivated to do hard core physical exercises. Great blog though Kevin, keep it coming.
It’s said that sex is a good form of exercise– exactly how much sex equates to, say, half an hour of jogging for example? Cos you haven’t exactly got a pedometer or exercise gauges to measure how much fat you’ve burned, or whatever else you’ve accomplished. Heck, I don’t even sweat when I fuck, sometimes. Has this been studied? Does it vary for tops and bottoms?
Hi Kevin,
I think you have a great bod, great personality and beautiful eyes.
May I ask – How old are you? And what is your height and weight?
I think age plays a big factor because I think hormonal levels dwindle as one goes over the hill as it were. Then perhaps the route is to go on ‘medicine’ aka roids. Do you have a view on this?